Lifted Sex Club February 19th 10am PT

In this club we’ll shamelessly explore all of the cracks and crevices - the hard and soft of all things sex and sexuality.

How we relate to sex, our bodies and our desires informs the way we perceive ourselves at the most fundamental levels yet it’s probably the aspect of ourselves that is the least explored or discussed, especially in a shame free, open manner.

Here’s the idea: We’ll gather together for 90 minutes in naked conversation (physically clothed) about different topics related to our personal sexual experiences with the only intention being that we feel free, less alone in our experiences and empowered by sharing what we feel called to share.

There are two rules in this sex club: Everything discussed here is confidential and everyone involved is asked to arrive open minded in order to create a shame-free space.

We will honor that trauma has occurred in many of our sexual experiences and it is welcomed in the conversation, however, this is not specifically a space to process trauma. Though through listening and sharing, healing is bound to happen.

I will be moderating the conversations and holding the space with the intention that everyone is heard and feels safe, yet, by the nature of this subject, there may be things that get activated within some people. It’s up to you to decide if this space feels safe for you given your relationship with sex.

For now, this club will meet once a month with the possibility of twice a month, via Zoom.

For obvious reasons, this club will not be recorded.

So grab a coffee, a cacao or tea and join us for this conversation!

Who’s welcomed in the club: Everyone - All body types, all sexualities, all genders, all ages (+21), and all sexual abilities.

Our next club experience will take place: Sunday, February 19th at 10am PT via Zoom

The topic will be: Sexual Shame (taught shame, experiential shame, how sexual shame affects our choices, body shame, etc)

Cost: $9.69

Register here

Registration closes February 19th at 8am PT and the Zoom link will be sent out at that time.

Lifted with Rio