Lifted Guidance - Healing + Guidance for healers + guides (in-person in San Pancho) June 10 - July 22

Lifted Guidance is a small group, six session deep dive into the healing and transformation of blocks and limitations to doing the healing and guidance work you feel called to do or are already doing but would like to do with more confidence and connection to intuition.

Saturdays 10am-12pm June 10 - July 22 in-person in San Pancho

We’re at a time in the world in which many have heard the call to be guides and healers for others who’re on the journey of self discovery and healing.

If this is you, you may have noticed that along with the call to do this work, you come up against all of the places within yourself that you don’t feel worthy, ready or able to claim this role.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow the calling.

The places where we feel blocked or insecure are pointing us to where we need to do our own work to truly be in integrity when the time comes to guide and support.

This is why I created Lifted Guidance.

In my experience the first and most important aspect for being in integrity to hold spaces for healing and transformation is to know ourselves and to inhabit our bodies in a way that others can feel safe within our presence.

This isn’t done by taking a single course or by gaining a lot of knowledge on topics - though those things are absolutely helpful - it’s done by going into your own shadows and bravely looking at them as many times as is needed to find safety and peace within.

In the six sessions (seven weeks) that this small group is together we’ll do just that.

Using the modalities of breathwork and intuitive conversation, you will be guided to uncover hidden patterns and inherited beliefs for the purpose of freeing yourself to be the clear channel to guide others safely and confidently.

Lifted Guidance will be intuitively led, as is all of my work, so you’ll have many opportunities to observe the specific ways I guide both groups and individuals. You’ll receive multiple breathwork healings as well as practice guiding others with your intuition in a judgement-free space with helpful feedback on how you guide and hold space.

If you’ve felt the call and want to take the next step in your journey toward guidance work, send me a message to reserve your spot.


When: Saturdays 10am - 12pm June 10 - July 22 (June 24th off for practice with partners from the group)

Where: In a beautiful palapa in San Pancho

Who is this for: This is for those who feel the call to hold transformational/healing spaces at some point in the near future or for those who are already holding these spaces but need more confidence in their abilities and connection to their intuition.

Why: Because this is sacred work that needs to be done with the utmost integrity by those who have done the deep work of knowing themselves and have had practice using their intuition without their personal perspective clouding their guidance.

What will take place: Depending on the week, we will be doing a mixture of breathwork healings, group intuitive guidance (with Q+A’s) in which the group will observe me guiding someone through a moment in their journey, intimate group conversations as its own form of healing and being witnessed, and opportunities to practice your own space holding and intuitive guidance with judgement free feedback.

Who is leading: I think everyone should be informed of my experience since that is a big part of why you would choose to be guided by me. I have worked with individuals on their healing and transformation journeys for 15 years. Throughout this time I have honed my intuition, my ability to affectively guide and to hold safe, deep spaces for the people I work with. These skills and gifts have been sharpened and deepened, first and foremost, through my consistent inner work over decades - through all of the most shadowy, often scary places within myself to uncover the gold within. Because I have walked myself through the darkness, I am not afraid or ungrounded by anyone else’s pain. I have led groups as large as 45 people through deep healing journeys and I daily guide individuals to find the truth within their bodies, minds and hearts. I have worked with every sensitive subject matter you can imagine - sexual trauma, death, money, all matters of grief, relationships, and career. The one thing that is foundational to my client’s healing and transformation is the safety that they feel with me and that came through me feeling at home and safe within myself.

Investment: $3000mx for all six sessions

Further considerations:

  • Please plan to attend all sessions to maintain the consistency of the group and to receive personal guidance and feedback.

  • If you can’t attend all, please do not miss more than 2 of our sessions.

  • This group is limited to 6 people for a truly intimate experience.

  • This is not a training in any modality but rather the preparation that I believe all guides and healers need to hold the most powerful, safe spaces in deep integrity.

  • Through observing the way I guide and hold space, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate deep emotional processing and the needs of each person being met in the group dynamic.

  • This is about you finding safety in your body, trusting your intuition and shedding beliefs that you can’t or shouldn’t do this work.

I would love for you to join us!

Lifted with Rio